How Meditation Fixed My Anger Issues

Maricris Bonzo
3 min readJan 7, 2019


Funny story, I used to get really angry all the time. And the primary reason why is because I pretty much gave my negative emotions or petty thoughts full control over my actions. So whenever anyone or anything annoyed me in any little way, I would immediately react in the most impulsive way possible. The aftermath is always the same; the power I felt while lashing out quickly subsides and I am left feeling like utter shit filled with regrets.

This behavior went on until I fell inlove with a guy, got into a relationship with him, and got dumped multiple times because of my inability to take a moment to take a deep breath, reassess the situation, and think clearly about how my next actions could negatively or positively affect whoever is involved. Tbh, our on-and-off relationship drove us both not only to hell, but also to our first spiritual journeys.

I knew I had an issue that I so desperately wanted to resolve, not only for myself and my partner, but also for pretty much anyone else who is a part of my life (cause nobody likes an always-angry Susan, am I right or am I right? 🤷‍♀️) And thus, my meditation practice began.

Perks of Meditating, IMO

My personal experience with meditation has taught me that the thoughts flowing in and out of my mind does not represent who I am at all. In other words, I am completely separate from my thoughts. This was a pretty big wake up call for me. Because if you’re not your thoughts, then surely you can be more powerful than them.

Remember when I told you how my negative emotions and petty thoughts had full control over my actions? The only reason why is because I didn’t know how to observe them as if they were clouds passing me by…because that’s all thoughts or emotions really are; pretty, life-less clouds out to distract us from reality. And this is what meditation taught me; how to watch my thoughts without reaction, until they have all dissolved into nothingness.

Sitting down with my eyes closed in silence consistently (e.g. 20 minutes/day) helped me strengthen my mind muscles to observe thoughts as if they were merely clouds. It took some time, but pretty soon I had developed an awesome habit of catching my negative emotions or petty thoughts and letting them go before they could manifest into a mess of pointless drama. If you can relate with having anger issues, I highly recommend giving meditation a try. Here’s a good guided meditation by Alan Watts that I listened to when I first started out.

That’s it for today,

Now let’s spark some tasteful discussions. 👉Do you deal with anger issues? What are some methods you’ve tried to resolve them? Share me your stories in the comments section below.

Alright, see y’all tomorrow! But if you want to stay in touch until then, catch me on 💁Twitter, Youtube or Instagram.

